Gamstop Gambling

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GAMSTOP is a free service that lets you put controls in place to help restrict your online gambling activities. Jan 15, 2021 Usoftgaming is the brains behind the platform’s casino operations, ensuring gambling remains smooth at all times. The type of games you’ll find include video slots categorized into 3-reel, 5-reel, and progressive jackpot slot titles not forgetting classic titles. GAMSTOP lets you put controls in place to restrict your online gambling activities. You will be prevented from using gambling websites and apps run by companies licensed in Great Britain, for a period of your choosing.

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  • Gamstop (sometimes, it could be misspelled as a Gamestop) – is a self-exclusion scheme for British Gamblers, which allows block themself from all kind of gambling websites.As opposed to other self exclusion schemes, Gamstop would block players not by their devices but by their ID, including. Full name; Postcode; Date of Birth; E-mail address; As a result, casinos. That are on the Gamstop.
  • Gamstop Gambling In The UK Gamstop is a completely free self-exclusion program that is soon to be a necessity for all UK online casinos that hold a UK Gambling Commission license. Near enough all UK online casinos are already part of Gamstop, and only a handful are not.

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3Follow these simple steps to be a part of Gamstop quickly

Online Gaming: Introduction

Online gaming is a flourishing industry. New gambling sites are emerging now and then, allowing the players to enjoy the fun of gambling from the ease of their own houses.

It is not a problem for most people if online gaming is nothing more than a little bit of fun after a tiring day or week.

If you know when and where to stop, then there’s no harm in having fun.

But gambling can be an addiction too, which can adversely affect your financial and personal situations. Once you are addicted to it, there is no going back.

Gambling addiction is a severe problem in the UK. To control the consequences of gambling addiction, Gamstop has been introduced.

It is nothing but Britain’s most significant national self-exclusion scheme from online gambling sites. It is designed for those who can’t help themselves with their gambling addiction.

How Gamstop Works?

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Gamstop allows you to limit your online gambling activities as it will ban you from signing on to online casino sites and apps.

The best thing is that Gamstop is free, swift and easy to use.

Follow these simple steps to be a part of Gamstop quickly

  • The first step is to log in to the Gamstop site. Once you log in, you will have to provide details like Pincode, email address, and birth date to confirm your identity.
  • Then follow the simple instructions on the site. Remember that the initial registration is always free.
  • It only takes up a few minutes to register and become a member of Gamstop, but to activate your self-exclusion effectively, it might take up to 24 hours approximately.
  • After confirming your identity, you can choose the period of your exclusion. It can be anything between 6 months, a year or even five years.
  • Gamstop keeps a record of all the registered members and casinos. When you try to log in to any of the registered gambling sites, you will automatically be blocked.
  • Moreover, it won’t allow you even to register yourself as a new player.

Once you have registered yourself on Gamstop, it becomes tough to cancel your self-exclusion before the ban’s minimum time.

GAMSTOP, the UK-based independent self-exclusion provider, has announced that more than 55,000 women have registered to self-exclude from all gambling sites.

According to fellow responsible gambling operator GamCare, the number of women experiencing gambling problems is increasing at double the rate of men, but only 1% contact the National Gambling Helpline for assistance.

Passing the 50,000 bench mark in registrations is significant, GAMSTOP argues, as it demonstrates ‘that online gambling addiction, often regarded as being a male problem that is linked to sport, is having an increasing impact on women.’

GAMSTOP CEO Fiona Palmer commented: “As we begin to understand the demographic make-up of our register it is important to feed back to the various support agencies and work together to encourage those women who have registered with GAMSTOP to access the help they may need going forward.

“50,000 female registrants is a significant number and we are pleased that they have found the GAMSTOP self-exclusion scheme and that it is a useful practical tool to help with their gambling issues.”


Anna Hemmings, CEO of GamCare, added: “We must get to grips with the unnecessary shame and stigma women feel around asking for help with gambling. Gambling is not just a male activity, and it can affect women in significant, potentially life-changing ways.

“Our dedicated Women’s Programme has told us that we need to remove barriers for women to access help with gambling related harm – the issues that women are facing are often hidden from support services.

“GamCare is pleased to be able to work with GAMSTOP so people registering for online self-exclusion can also be swiftly connected through to specialist support and treatment services, which greatly increases the chance of sustaining a recovery from gambling harms.”

GAMSTOP’s statistics also show that the number of women self-excluding via the service has risen since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and introduction of lockdowns last year.

26% of all registrars to GAMSTOP in March 2020 were women, but by the end of the year this number had risen to over 31%.

In addition, the National Gambling Treatment Service has experienced an increase in the number of women receiving treatment from 19% in 2015/16 to nearly 25% in the year to the end of March 2020. This coincides with increases in those with an online gambling addiction, up from 57% to 69%.

Gamstop Gambling Reviews

“The pandemic is creating a perfect storm of triggers for addictive gambling in women: feeling trapped, anxious and depressed, and overwhelmed by families or loneliness,” said Psychotherapist Liz Karter.


Gamstop Gambling

“As mental health problems increase so too will addiction to gambling. I treat young women who are wild with anxiety and stress, and for whom gambling started as self-medication, but the end results are always devastating costs to their mental health and finances.

“Women feel that they will be judged more for a gambling addiction than an addiction related to drink or drugs, even though the physical cravings and withdrawal symptoms are similar, and equally dangerous.”

Lisa Walker, a problem gambling counsellor who has been in recovery from gambling addiction for more than two years, also said: “There is such a big stigma that women don’t gamble, which isn’t accurate.

“What I have found is that women don’t feel that they can talk about their addiction, with it often being seen as a male issue. I think its fantastic that women are signing up to GAMSTOP and seeking help, though it also shows that there is lots more work to be done.

“I have spoken with many women who don’t feel they can go to support meetings, and I find it so upsetting that somebody could feel that way, as though they can’t even seek help. I hope things change and if we can increase the visibility of women who are recovering in the media, that could make a big difference.”

Last month, both GAMSTOP and CamCare teamed up with GamBan to launch the TalkBanStop initiative, the purpose of which is to offer free tools to support problem gamblers in managing their betting behaviours.

Gamestop Gambling

Source: SBC News

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