Drinking Card Games For Two

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  1. Drinking Card Games For Two Players
  2. Drinking Card Games For Two With Regular Deck Of Cards
  3. Easy Drinking Card Games For Two
  4. Drinking Card Games For Two Reddit
  5. Dice Drinking Games For 2
  6. Fun 2 Person Drinking Games
  7. Drinking Card Games For Two Players

In any social setting, it can be hard to break the ice. This can even apply not only to crowds, but when you are just hanging out with one other person.

When you are spending time with one person, there can be pressure in terms of what to do for fun. You certainly do not want to have a boring time and neither does the other individual.

Bullshit is one of the few card games I actually like, so that makes it one of the best drinking games for two people. You take turns going through your deck of cards putting down all the 2s, 3s, 4s, etc that you have until you're all out, that is, unless someone calls, 'Bullshit!' It doesn’t really matter whether you’ve been with your partner for ages of if you’re in a fresh, new relationship, playing fun drinking games is ALWAYS a great idea! It’s an amazing way to spice things up and bring some excitement into a long-term relationship but also a great way to get to know your new bf/gf in an extremely. Bullshit is one of the few card games I actually like, so that makes it one of the best drinking games for two people. You take turns going through your deck of cards putting down all the 2s, 3s, 4s, etc that you have until you're all out, that is, unless someone calls, 'Bullshit!' Try these fun drinking games, including the best drinking games for two, and party drinking games with shots, movie trivia, and cards. Prepare to get buzzed.

Having some drinks is an easy way, especially at night, to help the both of you relax and have fun around one another. And when you mix drinking with some games, then things can really take an entertaining turn.

While drinking games are usually associated with parties full of guests, they can also be a fun, intimate activity for two people to play.

Before you even decide on a drinking game, you might want to figure out what kind of alcohol you want to use. There are wine and beer and of course, there are mixed drinks and hard liquor.

Talk to the person you will be playing with so you can figure out which drinks to use. What do they like to drink? Can they drink a lot or is this person a lightweight?

Even though the main point of drinking games is typically to get drunk fast, be aware of the limits that you and the other person have.

While someone who is used to drinking might be able to take a shot of hard liquor when they lose, a person with much lower alcohol tolerance might prefer to take a sip of wine, beer, or a cocktail instead.

You might be familiar with some of these drinking games since many of them are so versatile that they can be played in a group of people or between two individuals.

Some games are useful for just getting drunk and more relaxed around the other person. But there are drinking games that will also help you learn more about the person you are playing with.

Play one or some of the drinking games below to help you get to know the other person better. Whether it is a friend or a romantic interest, you can have a lot of fun when you bond over these drinking games.

Drinking Games for Two

Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is a perfect game for two people who are just getting to know each other. If you have been best friends for years and know everything about each other or you have been in a relationship for a long time, then this game would be hard to play.

This game works when you still do not know everything about the other person. Another great thing about this game is you do not need cards or props to play. All you need is alcohol and someone to play with.

When it is your turn, you will tell the other person two things about you that are true and one thing that is not true. The order of these statements does not matter and you will not be telling the other person what is true and what is not true. State all three of your things as facts.

Then, the other person will have to guess which one thing is false out of the three things you said. If they are right, you drink and if they guess wrong, then they take a drink.

Try to pick facts about yourself that the other person would not know. Think of some things that they might never guess about you. Then for your lie, you could make up something about you that the other person might guess is true. That is how you win at this game.

Never Have I Ever

Another popular drinking game that you are probably familiar with is “Never have I ever.” It is a popular drinking game at parties because it involves sharing your secrets with the rest of the people who are playing.

Even though this is known to be a party game, it can still be played amongst two people. Just start off by thinking of something crazy that you have never done. It can be something suggestive or you can avoid that topic if you want.

For example, you can say something like, “never have I ever been arrested” or “never have I ever failed a class” if these are things that you have never done. If the other person has not done these things, then they do not take a drink, but if they have then they will drink.

An added variation that you can add to the game is to have the person who is saying “never have I ever” take a shot if the other person does not take the shot. This will make the players drunk a lot more quickly.

Here are other examples of “Never have I ever” statements to help give you ideas:

-Never have I ever put gum under a table or desk.

-Never have I ever gotten detention.

-Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.

-Never have I ever gone streaking.

-Never have I ever sung karaoke.

-Never have I ever gone bungee jumping.

-Never have I ever broken a bone.

-Never have I ever gotten a cavity.

-Never have I ever had a surgery.

-Never have I ever performed onstage.

-Never have I ever kissed on the first date.

-Never have I ever cheated on a test.

-Never have I ever eaten sushi.


-Never have I ever been pulled over.

-Never have I ever been hungover.

-Never have I ever gotten a parking ticket.

-Never have I ever failed an entire class.

-Never have I ever done a body shot.

-Never have I ever been on a blind date.

-Never have I ever had a one night stand.

-Never have I ever changed a diaper.

-Never have I ever performed on stage in front of people.

-Never have I ever prank called a stranger.

-Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher.

-Never have I ever lied about my age.

-Never have I ever traveled out of the country.

-Never have I ever been on a plane.

These are just a few examples of what you can use for this game. As you can see, whatever you pick can be anything from funny to sexy. It is completely up to you. Want more questions, then check out our 300 Never Have I Ever Questions here.


Match is a very straightforward card drinking game that will require one die and two sets of playing cards. Shuffle each deck well and give each player a deck of cards.

Take turns rolling the die. Whatever number shows up on the die is the number that the players have to race to find in their decks.

Whoever finds the right card to match the die first is the winner of that round and the loser will take a drink or a shot.

Drinking Scrabble

If you own a Scrabble set, then bring it out for a fun drinking game. You will play Scrabble, but with a fun twist.

Scrabble is an especially fun game for anyone who enjoys playing with words. There are two ways for you to play Scrabble as a drinking game.

First, you can play by putting normal words on the board. But if a player is able to put an alcohol-related word on the board, then the other player will have to take a drink. Some examples of such words are “shots,” “beer,” “drunk,” “vodka,” “bottle,” and “tipsy.”

Another way to play Scrabble as a drinking game is to establish that the players have to take a drink in certain situations. You can, for instance, have a player take a drink if the other player has played a triple words score.

On top of this, you can have a player take a drink every time they have to dump their tiles. If you play a word that is worth at least 30 points, the other player takes a drink.

Sometimes you will play a word and the other player will challenge you. If that player’s challenge fails then they take a drink. Otherwise, you are the one who will be having the drink.

These are just a few rules that you can make for your Scrabble game. Just make sure that this is established before the game is played. You can even write them down so nobody forgets when they are supposed to take a drink.

TV Show Drinking Game

If you and the other person are into a specific TV show, then you can definitely make a drinking game out of watching some TV together. All you need is a pen, paper, drinks, and your TV.

First, you will want to write down quotes or actions that are commonly done and said in this TV show that you plan on watching. Think of catch phrases and certain actions that these characters do and say all the time.

If you need help, you can look for lists on the internet. You can even try Googling “drinking game” and the name of the show that you will be watching.

Next, turn on the show. Both you and the other person will take a shot or a drink for every action, word, or phrase that is on your list. This is a great way to get drunk together and to bond over a show that you both enjoy watching.

Higher / Lower

You will need a deck of playing cards for this fun drinking game. This game is great for two players. It is very simple to learn the rules and to play.

First, you will deal out a card. The other player will guess if the next card from the pile will be higher or lower than the card that you already dealt out. If they guess wrong, they take a drink. And if they guess right, you drink.

Take turns dealing the cards until you go through the whole stack of cards. It is a fun guessing game that anyone can play.

Pinky McDrinky

For this game, you will need one pink die and two white die. It is a fun two-player drinking game for you and the other person to enjoy.

Take turns rolling the pink die. Then you and the other player will each roll one white die. If one person’s die matches the number of the pink die, then the other person has to drink.

If nobody’s die matches the number on the pink die, then roll again. If you and the other player roll die that add up to 7, then you both drink.

Flip Cup

While, Flip Cup is usually played as a drinking game that uses up two teams of people, you can also just play the game with two individuals.

For this game, you will need alcohol, two plastic cups, and a table. This game is traditionally played with beer.

Fill up two plastic cups with beer and put them on opposite sides of the table. You and the player will stand on these opposite sides of the table.

Starting at the same time, both you and the other person will chug your cup of beer. When you are done drinking, place the cup upside down on the table so that a tiny bit of the cup is over the edge of it.

Flick the cup from the bottom part where it is hanging over the edge of the table in order to try and get the cup to land right side up on the table. If you fail, then reposition the cup upside down slightly over the edge of the table.

Keep trying until one of you gets the cup to land right side up on the table. Whoever does this is the winner.

Battle Shots

If you own Battle Ship, then you can easily turn this fun two-player game into a drinking game. The only other thing you need is the alcohol.

This is the perfect drinking game for two people as the board game is intended for only two players. All you have to do is play the game how you would normally play it.

The only difference is that when the other player sinks one of your ships, you take a shot. And if you sink one of their ships, they will take a shot.

Drunk Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is a game that everyone knows and it is a great way to get to know the other person that you are with. The only other thing that you need for this drinking game is alcohol.

To play Truth or Dare, you ask the other person a question about themselves or you dare them to do something. Then they will pick if they want to do a truth or dare.

If the other player does not want to answer your question or to do your dare, then they take a shot. Then it will be their turn to ask you “truth or dare.” Here are some examples for Truth or Dare.


-Do you have a crush on anyone?

-Who is the last person you texted?

-Who is the last person you called?

-Who is the last person who called you?

-Who is the last person you kissed?

-Who is one friend that you have had a crush on?

-Who was your very first crush?

-Who was your first kiss?

-When was the last time you wet the bed?

-What is the biggest trouble that you were ever in?

-What is the biggest secret that you have hidden from your parents?

-What is one thing that everyone loves that you hate?

-What is one unpopular opinion of yours?

-What is the silliest thing that you have lied about?

-Do you sleep naked or with clothes on?

-Do you drool when you sleep?

-Have you ever cheated on anyone?

-What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?

-Have you ever walked in on your parent while they were in the act?

-What is your biggest fear?

-What is the weirdest dream that you have ever had?

-Who is your celebrity crush?

-Describe the perfect guy or girl for you.

-What is the biggest turn on for you?

-When is the last time that you cried?

-Would you ever date someone a lot older than you?


-I dare you to prank call someone.

-I dare you to lick a bar of soap.

-I dare you to dance with no music playing for one minute.

-I dare you to pick your nose and eat what you find.

-I dare you to change your relationship status to married if you are not married. Or if you are in a relationship or are married, change your relationship status to single.

-I dare you to go outside and tell the first person you see that you love them.

-I dare you to go outside and do the chicken dance for a whole minute.

-I dare you to eat a whole spoonful of mustard.

The types of truth questions and dares that you use will depend on what your relationship is to the other player. If the other person is just a friend, then you will stick to things that are goofier in nature.

But if you are in a relationship with the other person, then the truth and dares that you use can be more intimate in nature.

You can, for example, ask the other person what their sexual fantasies are or dare them to do something naughty with you in the bedroom. This can really spice up your love lie as a couple.

Want more questions? Check out our 300 Truth or Dare questions here.


For this game, you need alcohol, cups, and quarters. Take turns bouncing a quarter off the table to try to get it into a cup of alcohol.

If you get the quarter in, then the other person drinks what is in that cup. Alternatively, you can have your drinks in separate cups and have an empty cup to bounce the quarters into.


For caps, you will try to throw beer bottle caps into cups of beer. Establish ahead of time how far the players should be from the cups.

When you get a cap in the cup, then the other player drinks. Take turns playing until you finish drinking all of the beer.

I’m Going on a Picnic

You probably already know this game especially from playing it in school when you were a little child. Put an adult spin on this by turning it into a drinking game.

The rules are the same. You start by saying “I’m going on a picnic and I am bringing…” You start off by naming a food or other item that starts with the letter A.

Then the other player will say, “I’m going on a picnic and I am bringing….” Then they will say what you said and they will continue by coming up with something that starts with the letter B.

Keep taking turns and going down the alphabet until someone forgets all of the things that are being brought on this picnic. Whoever forgets takes a drink.

You may also enjoy our 19 boyfriend and girlfriend games here.

Drunk Tic Tac Toe

For this game, you just play regular Tic Tac Toe, but instead of using X’s and O’s, you can use two different types of alcohol instead. Just draw out the lines on a big enough piece of paper and then use the cups, bottles, or cans or alcohol as your X’s and O’s.

These are just a few ideas for drinking games for two. As you can see, many of these games are games that are played in bigger groups or without alcohol.

All you need to do is be willing to adapt these games for two people. You can take many games and turn them into a drinking game just by adding alcohol into the equation.

Board games and card games often make the perfect drinking games. Play some of the drinking games mentioned above, or try and see what other games you can turn into drinking games for two people.

Want more games? Check out our 21 texting games.


Most good drinking games usually require several people or a slightly larger group. Here are great drinking games that you can play with two people.

Drinking Games for 2 People - Overview

Here is our list of the best drinking games for two that you can play right now. Just choose one of the games below to view the rules and guidelines.

Most Popular Drinking Games for Two

👉 We sorted the list by popularity.

Never have I ever… 🤭

The drinking game “Never have I ever” definitely belongs at the top of the list. It’s perfect if you want to get to know each other (like on the first date), but it’s also perfect to play with your best buddy and learn one or two dirty secrets of each other. Either way, it’s a great game to get to level up your night.

Warning! ⚠️

One round of Never have I ever… could go dirty extremely quick! 😏

So if you find yourself in a kind of awkward and boring first date, try to break the ice with a game of Never have I ever…

Rules for: Never have I ever

For two players usually, the older one goes first and begins with the statement: “Never have I ever…

Never have I ever had sex on the first date.

Never have I ever - Online Version

Play “Never have I ever” online in your browser:

Now in this example, if one of you two already had sex on the first date, drink. To overcome an embarrassing silence, simply hold the drinking glass close at hand.

Drinking Card Games For Two Players

If none of you can agree with this statement, nobody has to drink. Then it continues clockwise, starting with “Never have I ever…”
Info: This rule is slightly different if you play it with only two people. If you’re in a big round, you only make statements that you already have done.

Bonus: 800+ Never have I ever - Statements

Here is our list of the most bizarre and dirtiest statements for the drinking game Never have I ever:
👉 800+ Never have I ever - Questions

“Never have I ever” - App

If you want to have it even easier, we have an App for “Never have I ever”. There you get random statements and questions. (Warning: Those questions are super dirty!)

UNO as a Drinking Game

As one of the most popular card games in the world, there is, of course, also a drinking game variation of UNO for 2 people.

UNO Drinking Game Rules

As with the normal version of UNO, the rules are simple: shuffle the cards and you’re ready to go. The youngest player always starts. Then continue clockwise. Here are the rules that makes UNO a drinking game:

You have to drink when…

  • You draw the same color as the player in front of you.
  • You draw the same number as the player in front of you.
  • If you draw a suspension card, you may choose a player to drink.
  • With a return card, the direction is changed just like with the normal Uno.
  • In a draw-two card, the player who next draws a card must drink. (If your Draw Two card is the same color as the previous card, you must drink as well.)
  • For a plus-four-card, everybody has to drink.

It is played until all cards have been drawn once. Various additional rules listed below can be executed. These increase the intensity of the drinking game.

Additional Rules for UNO as a Drinking Game

We have written down additional rules for UNO that make the drinking game even more intense:👉 Additional Rules for UNO

Blow the Cards

All you need is a deck of playing cards and something to drink.

Setup of Blow the Cards

At the start of the game, you place a glass filled with any drink in the middle of the table. Then all the cards are put together in a stack and placed on the glass. For Blow the Cards it does not matter which cards you use and how many. But we recommend waterproof playing cards because the cards are very close to your drink.

Gameplay of Blow the Cards

The youngest of you start the drinking game. Then one of you now tries to blow at least one card from the deck of cards. Any number of cards may be blown from the glass. The goal is, of course, to “remove” the cards so that the next player clears all cards and must drink.

Jenga as a Drinking Game

Of course, as you know, Jenga is perfect for two. With a few extra rules, the Wooden Tower game becomes one of the best drinking games of all time. The Jenga rules remain the same, but individual stones are labeled. If you drag one of these labeled stones, you must perform the action associated with the label. The stones can be labeled arbitrarily. Ideas for potential labels:

In one go

Drink your drink in one go.


The smallest player has to drink three times and then may appoint someone who also has to drink three times.


Drink a tequila shot.

80s bands

Name three bands from the eighties or drink three times.

70s bands

Name three bands from the seventies or drink three times.


The ship goes down, everyone has to drink his drink.

More Jenga Drinking Game labeling ideas

For Jenga as a drinking game, there are still countless lettering ideas. If you need inspiration, have a look at our list:👉 Jenga Drinking Game labeling ideas

“I’m Going on a Picnic…”

This is a memory game, which can be super hard if you already had one or two drinks.

Rules for “I’m Going on a Picnic…”

Go through the alphabet naming things you’d bring on a picnic, adding one more item per turn.

“I’m Going on a Picnic…” Example

  • Person A: I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing Apples.
  • Person B: I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing Apples and Bananas.
  • Person A: I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing Apples, Bananas, and Carrots.
  • And so on…

Drink every time someone makes a mistake. This game gets more hilarious both the drunker and the farther down the alphabet you get. Very likely you’ll get sidetracked by arguments about why anyone would need to bring a xylophone to a picnic.

Caps Drinking Game

This one can be played with either two or four people.

Rules for Caps

Each player sits facing the other at opposite ends of a table. Next to each player is a cup full of beer. Each player takes turns trying to throw a bottle cap into the other player’s cup. If one makes a hit, then the player that was scored on has to chug the cup of beer. What else are you going to do with those old bottle caps?

Quarters Drinking Game

For the drinking game Quarters you only need quarters and cups.

Quarters Rules and Gameplay:

Drinking Card Games For Two With Regular Deck Of Cards

One player tries to bounce a quarter off the table into a cup or shot glass.

If the shooter makes it, the other player must drink and the shooter gets another turn. If the shooter misses, it’s the other players turn to shoot.

This is probably the best drinking game for 2 people because it’s a skill game, and you definitely want to practice one-on-one before playing it at a party.

More Drinking Games for 2 People

Easy Drinking Card Games For Two

Death Pong Drinking Game:

Beer pong with beer but one cup has a shot of liquor in it. The other team doesn’t know where you put the shot.

Tic-Tac-Toe Drinking Game:

Play tic-tac-toe with shots instead of x’s and o’s.

True American Drinking Game:

Set up tables, chairs, and cushions in a room so players can move around to escape from the “molten lava” on the floor. At the center is a castle made of a bottle containing a strong drink and many beers. As players traverse the game area, they remove beers and drink them. Once all of the beers have been removed, the first player to reach the bottle with the strong drink, finishes their beer, and takes a swig from the bottle, wins the game.

Conan the Barbarian Drinking Game:

Play Conan the Barbarian movie on DVD or stream it with the commentary turned on. Any time Arnold says the words, “right”, “exactly”, or a combination of the two, take a drink.

Red/Black Drinking Game:

You’ll need a deck of cards and beer. The dealer flips a card and other person guesses whether it’s red or black. If they’re right, nobody drinks. If they’re wrong, the guesser drinks. Three correct in a row you can make a rule, such as can’t say drink, drank, or drunk. If a rule is broken, the rule breaker must drink. Once the deck is completely gone through, reshuffle and start over.

Drinking games with playing cards

Of course, there are many more drinking games that are suitable for two people. Search our list with all drinking games, maybe you like one or the other game better than one of this list.

Drinking Card Games For Two Reddit


👉 All Drinking Games

Dice Drinking Games For 2

We hope you’re having a great time! 🎉

Fun 2 Person Drinking Games

And don’t forget: Take care of yourself and don’t drink and drive afterward!

Drinking Card Games For Two Players

✍️ April 17, 2020