Odds Of Texas Holdem Hands

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Follow these hand charts and learn how to play your starting hands at Texas Holdem.

The charts below will give you a great starting point on how to play your starting hands. For all of you beginners, we recommend consulting these charts will playing online.

However, waiting for these premium hands can slow your game down to snail mode, as only 2.1% of hands are premium hands in poker. The coin-flip When a player had a pocket pair and another has two over-cards, this is essentially a coin-flip with regards to odds, as it’s pretty even. With that being Odds Of Winning Hands In Texas Holdem said, there are several well known and trusted Odds Of Winning Hands In Texas Holdem casinos that offer a first deposit bonus of Odds Of Winning Hands In Texas Holdem 400% up to €40. When the maximum bonus balance is a lower amount you will usually find yourself with more fair t&c.

We provide 4 separate charts depending on where you are seated relative to the dealer. You can find out how to play the Blinds, Early Position, Middle Position, and Late Position.

After the flop, you can consult the Drawing Odds Chart at the bottom, but you will also have to develop your reads, pot odds and other skills to develop your post-flop strategies.

How to Read the Starting Hand Charts


Let’s look at some examples of how to use these poker odds charts…

Early Position

88 77
A8s A7s

Unraised Pot

Call 1
Call 1

Raised Pot


* In early position, only call with A8s or 77 if there is already at least one caller in the pot. Fold if you are first in or if the pot has been raised.
Middle Position


Unraised Pot

Call 3

Raised Pot


* In middle position, only call only play 98s if there are already three or more callers. Do not call raises.
Late Position



Unraised Pot

Raise 1, Call 2

Raise First In, Call 1

Raised Pot

RR 1 Option, Call All

RR or Fold against 1 Player, Call 3

* In late position, you should raise with JJ against one caller or first in, and call against two callers or more. You have the option of rerasing a lone raiser; otherwise, always call a raise.
* Raise 99 when you are first in from late position; otherwise, call if the pot has not been raised. If the pot has been raised, you should either re-raise or fold when against a single player, or call if there are three players in the hand.




SB Unraised Pot

Raise 1 or 2, Call 3



SB Raised Pot

RR 1 or 2, Call 3

RR Lone Late, Fold


BB Raised Pot

Call (raise 1 or 2 limpers)


Call 2, or 1 Late

* In the small blind, you can raise or reraise one or two opponents with AQ, otherwise, call against three or more opponents.

* In the small blind, always call A9s against limpers. If the pot has been raised, you should reraise a late position player. You should fold if the raiser is in early or middle position or against two or more opponents.

* In the big blind, you can call with KJ against two opponents or a lone late player. Fold against a lone player from early or middle position.

With a little practice, you should be able to find the appropriate poker strategy very quickly. I recommend keeping these charts open to provide guidance as you play. May the odds be with you! – Matthew Hilger

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What is a Poker Cheat Sheet?

A poker cheat sheet is a guide to help you learn the absolute basic fundamentals to play solid poker in order to beat micro and low stake games. Like any endeavour, it takes time, experience and regular evaluation to become a master. The idea behind a cheat sheet is that you can refer to it easily to help you make better decisions than you would otherwise. While you have cheat sheets with poker and for example Blackjack, this is not real ‘cheating’. Cheating the casino is not allowed and can get you into trouble.

Hand Rankings

If you are new to poker, you will need to understand the proper hand rankings. The list below should help you understand the respective hand rankings.

Calculating Outs as Odds

To make better decisions, you will want to know the chances of improving your hand and reconciling that with the amount your opponent is betting. The table below should help you see, at a glance, the approximate percentage of you making your hand for the most common scenarios you will find yourself in. After a while, calculating your outs and converting them to odds will become intuitive. In the meantime, feel free to refer to this table.

Hand Selection – Open Raising

Choosing which hands to play is very important. It’s the first key decision of any poker hand. If you are starting out in poker. The most important thing is to play a selective hand range based on the position you are in. As you lack the post flop skills to profitably make marginal pre flop calls, you will need to be careful about the hands you play. The table below is a guide to hands you can open raise with, if you are first to enter the pot i.e. nobody has raised in front of you. Please note that the table assumes you are opening the hand ranges in the earlier positions too e.g. You open KJ suited in early position therefore you are opening it in mid position too.

Please note I have not assigned a hand range to open raise from the small blind with. I firmly believe this is the worst spot to open raise in Texas Holdem from and don’t think it would be wise to advise a wide open raise range from here. Instead, play very careful from there. Look to minimize how much you lose and let the strong hands do their “talking” so to speak.

Hand Selection – Calling Raises

It’s important to recognise you won’t have the pre-flop aggression in the hand when calling a raise. Therefore you should be calling raises with hands that are at least as equal in value to the likely range your opponent is raising with, and preferably with position on them.

There is no trick to knowing what hands you should call player A’s raise with. Instead, think about the type of player raising and act accordingly. Consider their table image. In other words, if it is a loose player opening, you can widen the hands you call with as he is opening wider than a tight player. If it is a tight player opening, you should be looking to play less hands or hands that can break him and his premium hands e.g. low pairs.

As a very basic guide consider calling raises with the hands below.

Any Pocket Pair


Ace Queen Offsuit

Ace Jack Suited

King Jack Suited

Hand Selection – Re Raising AKA 3 Bet

Starting out, I recommend 3 betting with AK suited, Pocket Queens, Kings and Aces. As you develop and gain experience you will certainly be re raising with other hands but this cheat sheet is purely for the new player playing micro/low stakes poker.

Post Flop Poker

You will quickly learn that playing the flop, turn and river is complex. As you are playing a selective hand range to begin with, you will not be facing as many difficult situations as a more experience player. Check out some tips to follow below.

  1. Miss the flop, get out of the way
  2. Be wary of straight and flushes if betting gets large
  3. Bet 50% or more of the pot when you bet
  4. Don’t attempt crazy bluff bets when you are multi way
  5. Don’t slowplay your hands, people will call you down at micro stakes so less need for deception
  6. Bet your top pair or better hands
  7. Don’t get too attached to Ace King if you miss!

Tools for Finding Best Sites

Odds Of Texas Hold'em Hands

A cheat sheet wouldn’t be the same without offering advice on available tools online. There are some great resources and comparison sites that let you know the best casino and poker sites around. Casinobonusca.com is one of the best at offering comparisons between casinos. These websites will give you the relevant information on bonuses, tournament schedules, payment options and customer support features. These are all necessary components to a trusted site and something you should look out for. The best sites are the softest sites as they will have new and weak opponents on them. If you play on these sites and use this cheat sheet, you will have the advantage on them.


This cheat sheet is aimed at the new player coming to poker in 2020 who has no experience but wants to learn quickly. Understanding hand rankings, what hands to play and the basic odds are the most simple and fundamental skills to be a competent player, capable of winning at micro stakes. There is so much more strategy and complexity to Texas Holdem that can take years to master but we hope this cheat sheet will help you at the start of your poker journey. This sheet is designed to help poker players but there are other sites offering a complete guide to finding a new casino in 2020.
If you enjoyed this article perhaps you’d like to read our articles on poker tournament strategy, 6 max poker or becoming a poker shark.
Feel free to contact us if you are interested in finding out how we can help you improve your game and bankroll in 2021.

Odds Of Hands In Texas Holdem

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Hold Em Poker Hand Odds

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